Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Republican Convention

I don't know how long I can stand to watch this. I tell myself the only way to be an observer in political science is to watch the other side. Honestly it makes me sick the way they use the fear factor. Rudy Giuliani says that the democrats were scared to mention islamic terrorists in their convention, it's sad how they use terrorism to scare the American people. He says that John McCain will make our country safe. How can our country be prosperous and safe when it's not healthy, when we are economically unstable. What's more important? Spending trillions of dollars on the Iraq War or making sure every American has health care and lives above the poverity line? It stuns me.
I see these Republicans speak and look into the audience and see all older white people most of them with cowboy hats on. I look at the keynote speakers all white males with the exception of Palin. I also hear the redneck country music that plays before commercial breaks. It's all frightening and somehow crudely humorous. Then I remember the happy joyous convention that the Democrats held. The convention where there was diversity in the crowd, where the speakers didn't use fear tactics like terrorists but actually spoke about issues that affects Americans everyday. They didn't have to frighten Americans with the middle eastern islamic terrorists, but appealed to the troubles we face everyday.

1 comment:

Mr. Brown said...

With ya 100% sarah. Couldn't stomach watching that parade of BS.

Please tell me you didn't watch the final night of the Convention, becasue if you did, you would have seen just how low the GOP is willing to win an election. Watch at your own risk.